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SICOT. Enhance recovery in total Knee and THA


-   09:00 - 09:02 h.   Presentation. ERAS protocol TKA &THA around the world. OLIVER R. MARÍN PEÑA, PER KJAERSGAARD-ANDERSEN .
-   09:02 - 09:14 h.   Why ERAS Protocols in TKA & THA. The Danish experience. PER KJAERSGAARD-ANDERSEN .
-   09:14 - 09:22 h.   ERAS protocol THA&TKA in Spain. The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona experience. JUAN CARLOS MARTINEZ PASTOR.
-   09:22 - 09:30 h.   ERAS protocol THA&TKA in Spain. The FJD experience. VIRGINIA RUIZ ALMARZA.
-   09:30 - 09:38 h.   Postoperative management in ERAS TKA&THA. JESUS MORETA SUAREZ.
-   09:38 - 09:46 h.   Role of robotic & new tecnologies in ERAS TKA&THA. BORIS GARCIA BENITEZ.
-   09:46 - 09:54 h.   Enhance recovery Surgery in THA&TKA in LATAM. NICOLAS RESTREPO. 
-   09:54 - 10:02 h.   Enhance recovery Surgery in THA&TKA in Asia. LEWIS CHAN. 
-   10:02 - 10:10 h.   Enhance recovery Surgery in THA&TKA in USA. VICTOR H HERNÁNDEZ. 
-   10:10 - 10:30 h.   Discussion. 
Mesa invitada